I Year |
II Year | III Year |
English |
Pathology – I |
Pathology – II |
Anatomy |
Micro Biology – I |
Micro Biology – II |
Physiology |
Bio Chemistry - I |
Bio Chemistry - II |
Clilinical Laboratory |
Anatomy Department deals with study of Human body. In our Anatomy Laboratory support mainly with cadaver, organs, slides, skeletal systems, models and charts.
Physiology is the branch of Medical Sciences which deals with the vital processes and functions of living organisms. Physiology related to clinical manifestations in the normal and abnormal behaviour of structures.
It deals with biochemical reactions taking place in biological system. The clinical Application of Biochemistry includes estimation of different parameters both in diseased and normal conditions like, hormonal assay, enzyme assay and other routine tests
Spectrophotometer, Flame Photometer, Electronic Balance Hot air Oven, Incubator, Refrigerator, Chromatographic Apparatus, Centrifuge, PH meter, Electrophoretic Apparatus, Deioniser, Water bath, Vortex mixer, Colorimeter
It deals with the study of microorganisms that causing various infections in human beings. It supports laboratory diagnosis of infections by the isolation of causative agents by various procedures. It has so many branches like bacteriology, Parasitology, Entomology, Mycology, Virology, and Immunology.
Auto clave, Incubator, Water bath, Hot air oven, Centrifuge, Laminar air flow, Electronic Balance, Microscope, VDRL Shaker, Refrigerator
Pathology is the scientific study of diseases. It has branches like General Pathology, Histopathology & Clinical Pathology.
Colorimeter, Electronic balance, Common Balance, Incubator, centrifuge, Binocular & Monocular Microscopes, Histokinete, Microtome, Water bath, Hot Air Oven etc